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    The XR team took part in the national conference in Poland

    The main organizer of the conference was the Polish Virtual University (PUW), operating within the structure of the AHE in Lodz – a university that has been educating students in the e-learning formula since 2002. On many occasions, PUW’s creators have shared the results of their work with the academic and educational community, and just as often have drawn inspiration from the good practices and knowledge capital of friends from Poland and Europe.

    Choosing the theme of this year’s conference: “Hello e-learning! What’s up in remote learning”, we wanted to talk among methodologists and practitioners about the shape of distance learning today, its future, possible, but also sometimes untapped opportunities. An example of the range of issues we would like to address during the 9th edition of the conference are: the post-pandemic shape of e-learning, the lifespan of trends and their real impact on the practice of distance learning, e-learning methodological recycling: are some “old” methods still functional and used, only they have been more modernly named?

    AI: still an ethically problematic novelty or a useful tool used successfully in e-learning, case studies: presentation of specific methodological solutions and distance learning tools used in your institution.

    The conference was addressed specifically to academics and teachers, researchers, trainers and influencers from educational institutions, representatives of cultural institutions and NGOs, as well as administrators and borrowers and schools.